Fruit & sunflower seed chilli sea salt chocolate bark

June 14 2015

This is stupidly easy but the end result is so gorgeously wicked. With just a few steps, you end up with a generous slab of chocolate studded with whatever treats you like.

I loved the jewel like appearance and chewiness of the dried fruit with some crunch from sunflower seeds (well basically I used what I had in the fridge but that’s the beauty of this).  In a moment of sheer genius (hah) I thought to add some chilli flakes to the melted chocolate and it added a very subtle spicy base flavour which was really quite delicious with some sea salt.  But both are optional and obviously you could add anything you like.  This would make a wonderful gift for somebody too.

Naturally I ate too much!

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Queensland Art Gallery – David Lynch: Between Two Worlds

June 10 2015

So we went to see Dave’s exhibition last weekend and it was ace!  Typically we went on the very last day but there were still heaps of people so probably just as well.

His paintings and drawings in particular are so trippy, weird and beautiful (although some are quite confronting).  Here are some piccies if you want to see, or if you didn’t get to go.

Goodbye Mad Men, it’s been sweet

May 18 2015

Well I don’t know about anyone else but I went through so many tissues for the last ep!  Am a very sad panda now.

And here’s to Betty Draper.  I know some people disliked her but she had so much depth and despite (or maybe because of) her many faults, I loved her, plus she was fabulous.  For so many reasons, Betty reminded me of my own mum who was born probably 15 years after Betty; being a product of her time and with the expectations and limitations of that time, she lived the only way she knew and was often misunderstood.

I’ll really miss this brilliant show which has been a part of my life for 9 years (!).

tumblr_mjmt5i6nbh1roohieo1_1280tumblr_m9yr8bqMP61r17y54o1_1280 betty_draper_shooting_the_pigeons_86429969 mad-men3 enhanced-buzz-16500-1360200311-0 tumblr_m6m4br7m0f1r17y54o1_1280mm201d-bets 7846be3a031dfd56777128f3ab2f36c8 tumblr_m6b688PD7O1r17y54o1_1280 tumblr_mad4szKZI81r17y54o1_1280 tumblr_m4z4tjbyZ71r17y54o1_r1_1280 tumblr_n1zho4DhFC1r17y54o1_1280

All images from TV series: Mad Men, 2007-2015, USA, Lionsgate Television, Weiner Bros., American Movie Classics (AMC)