I love this coming-of-age show so much. It resonates with me, growing up in northern NSW in the 80s, but is also cleverly and beautifully written, acted and filmed (some scenes genuinely hit so close to home, I feel the writers are in my head somehow). It also has that weirdly Australian quality of making you laugh, cry and feel mortified in a single scene, as only our TV and movies seem to be able to do.
Despite brilliant reviews though, only a few people watched it this year. I really feel it should have been shown on the ABC rather than Ten to gain more of an audience and that also, we shouldn’t have had to wait 2 years for the second season (why?!), but what can you do? You can’t fight city hall, or in this case, Australian media.
Anyway, I appreciate being one of a small group of very loyal fans.
All images are the property of: Puberty Blues TV series, Australia, 2012-2014, Channel Ten